Cactus and its benefits for the skin and body

Cactus and amazing benefits for your beauty: Studies have shown that aloe plant has many benefits for the skin, not only in the treatment of sunburn and is caused by sun damage, but also as an anti-bacterial, rich in vitamins and minerals, and has the ability to cure skin diseases, but did not stop beauty on its use as a treatment and experts but they using it as a means to great skin!

Makeup Remover: If you d remove eye makeup without the need for the use of chemical products, have you using the little cactus juice on a cotton swab only as a natural alternative.

Excess hair: one of the best ingredients used to remove excess hair removal, it is slippery and moisturizing for the skin and facilitates the process of hair removal, its use alone or mixed with other ingredients and here's how: (a third of a cup of the bulk of the cactus, a quarter cup of soap hands liquid, hanging almond oil, a quarter cup of fresh warm water, hanging vitamin oil (E), five points of eucalyptus oil) Mix these ingredients in a bottle.

Ice cubes for the skin: You can put the plant in a summary cubes and put it freezes, and then later use on the skin especially in the case of sunburn, unusual burns, insect stings, or even patches of psoriasis.

Lotion for skin: Yes, it is wonderful for the skin! Only Mix hanging from the bulk of the cactus with the hanging of the summary of almonds, and hung from the lemon and used Lye wonderful for the skin, the presence of metals it will operate as anti-bacterial, which makes it useful sensitive or experiencing pimples problems of the skin, not only that, but it helps to delay the signs of progress in age, only my cactus summary with coconut oil natural 100% pure and massaging their hands nATIONAL then washed.

Peeling skin : helps peel the shine and skin recovery, and is a cactus essential component of mixtures Peel household components, it earns the skin smoothness and increases the supply of oxygen and make them breathe, the way: nationalist put half a cup of the bulk of the cactus with the amount of dark sugar or sodium bicarbonate for sharp texture, then rub on national elbow, heels, arm or any area you want to softening.

The smell of the mouth refreshed: solve the problem of bad breath, just mix a quarter cup of gel cactus pure dissolved in half a cup of water or apple juice, contains aloe vera anti-inflammatory substance called "sitosterol," which reduces the acidity and which is the cause of the odor breath, the advantages that it can also act as a laxative in large doses.

To moisturize the skin before going to sleep: can be used as a mask for the skin cactus bedtime, my only some of it with the option to cut and half the whites of eggs, Try before going to sleep and Feel the difference.

Density eyebrows: You can also use aloe vera to increase the density of hair of the eyebrows, apply mascara brush in some of it and put them on the eyebrows gently, or mix it with a little castor oil to get a better result.

The disinfection of hands: If hand sanitizer, which do you use cause dry your hands, try this (half a cup of the bulk of the cactus, a quarter cup of alcohol 0.20 points from the preferred oil have) then these components Put in spray, Alcohol kills germs and cactus smoothes the skin.
