exercise protects against aging disease

Many people infected with aging in advanced age and time of show them the signs of aging as a result of a malfunction in the process of the diet.

Some foods must eat elements important to the human body so as not to infect young people aging in the early years of age do not show symptoms of aging.
They must play sports on an ongoing basis as it works to stimulate blood circulation in the human body and the work force exercise movements that will be easy on the joints, but tough on the mast cells.

Marine Biology proved that exercise best cure for aging because they have no there are no side effects unlike other drugs that takes them to avoid infection of aging.
Walking or reduce injury of some chronic diseases such as heart disease and hardening of the arteries. Everyone should exercise even permanently Do not Get diseases .

The exercise of these exercises have you follow these steps:
Must be these exercises three days a week should take a break between every day until . On the exercise of these exercises should take a break between each exercise and to another in order to overcome fatigue. To be practicing these exercises have a powerful and able to do these exercises.